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DOFOLLOW AND NOFOLLOW DIFFERENCES -  In the world of blogging, there are the terms dofollow and nofollow blogs. 

Then what is the meaning of dofollow and nofollow blogs? 

For friends who are bloggers who have been in the blogging world for a long time, understanding and not being foreign are certainly confused with this term.


the terms of the dofollow and nofollow blogs are DOFOLLOW AND NOFOLLOW DIFFERENCES

So from this blogger mania makes this post which aims to share a variety of things and information that I know about dofollow and nofollow blogs and their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Understanding DoFollow Blog That is that the link that we input when commenting it will be considered as a link backlink by search engines such as Google or will also be interpreted instructing the search engine to give effect to increased ranking on the target link from the hyperlink text by search engines such as Google or it will also be interpreted instructing the search engine to give the effect of increasing rankings on the target link from the hyperlinked text in the search engine indexes.

While Understanding NoFollow Blog is an attribute of the HTML code that is used to instruct search engines so that it does not have the effect of increasing rankings on target links from the hyperlinked text in its search engine index.

By default, setting a comment after a blog is nofollow, the goal is to reduce spam, but we can turn it into dofollow so that anyone who comments will get a small gift in the form of an eternal backlink because it has stopped and commented.

Alright, I was discussing about Understanding DoFollow and NoFollow Blogs. Now let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of DoFollow and NoFollow Blogs

Advantages and Disadvantages of DoFollow Blog:

- The number of comments is more difficult for visitors who are opportunists who take advantage of free backlinks. Of course this is an additional point to increase PageRank.

- Most of the comments will be SPAM and not qualified

- Visitors are opportunistic visitors will be more visiting to leave comments so that the number is increasing

- Google Page Rank will be lower because of the page rank effect. But Google would also like to have a blog that has a lot of outbound links compared to internal links, for that it needs to be balanced with backlinks from outside.

- Alexa ranking is generally faster or lower down for this type of blog because blog traffic is getting crowded.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Nofollow Blog:

- The number of comments is less and comes from loyal visitors to the blog or new visitors who are acquainted or just blogwalking.

- The quality of comments is better and comments are generally given because the content is useful or in the form of questions.

- Visitors are recruited will be loyal visitors or new visitors who will only return again when the contents of the blog are useful according to them.

- Google Page Rank is not affected.

Alexa ranking is generally slower down when the contents of the blog are interesting and useful so that visitors are crowded.

Therefore, seeing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of dofollow and nofollow blogs, now it's up to you to change your blog to Dofollow or Nofollow.


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