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Causes of Blog Indexes and Traffic Down Drastically -  Some days this is the BLOGGER mania or Indonesian publisher in particular has decreased traffic or visitors to the blog or website. And the Publishers and even then there was something strange with such conditions.

This incident made many who were surprised even complained, because by the way the index and visitor suddenly dropped, maybe from which 10K jumped down to 1K, 

wow wow wow this is the thing that maybe we didn't receive, after having painstakingly posted 10 articles per day, now the index is down. if 'already the index as a visitor goes down, obviously Earning will also go down [especially the public who plays CPC and CPS]


Causes of Blog Indexes and Traffic Down Drastically WHY THE TRAFFIC BLOG IS DOWN DRASTIC

blog statistics decreased -  Google reportedly was cleaning, not knowing what to clean, well maybe one of them would have been to clean up blogs that were Auto / AGC. and the blog that is certainly COPAS content [Be careful if 'Kopas, because Kopas also has a blistering: D]

The Causes of Decline Trafficking

So many weeks ago I sat around the GELTAIK SELAM event, at that time the speaker was Om Jarot, which was one of Mastah in the Online world, he discussed about the cause of the downward visitor, especially for the Maen Auto Blog / AGC. blogs that automatically have a visitor limit, 

meaning that the robot will automatically wait there if the blog reaches 3K visitors, if it exceeds the 3K limit, then the blog will be struggling with a robot. 

then there will be a blog that visitors will exceed the limit will be recorded permanently by the robot, which will be on a google search engine one day.

1. EMD Domain

Blogs with domains are similar to keywords that are targeted or broken [EMD], so we will experience bad things, we will experience a decrease in traffic, well maybe now we make blogs that have our domain names, so we will experience bad things. 

then the keywords or discussion of the gadget problem might just be spared from Google kicking. if 'I KOD domain I do not understand whether the kick or not hit, but what if I see from the understanding of the KOD domain or domain that has a frill of keywords in the domain name. but most likely also hit.

2. Contents that COPY PASTE.

maybe it is normal for us to do this, to be honest ѕауа јugа to do it, to remember if we really understand or are not from Copas then we are safe. simple logic.

we use a tool to search for articles such as the GetArticel Software, the software system works as well as taking content that is on a website [which has been published], meaning we will have a content that is on the website of the original owner of the content. 

it means that only with Copas even though we use all the software, remember the functioning of the software will simply make it easier, while all the ease of it does not all end well :)

basically cleverly make content using it software / spinner. don't just work that is instant, just paste it in ... hehehe

then the issue that circulated a lot for adsense players, many of which were holiday letters from the grandmother. maybe you will be the newest visitor, we recommend to read it


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